Beautifully made for you.

Because Infertility: Introduction

Because Infertility: Introduction

You, Me & Infertility

I know if you clicked this post you are searching for something. Something to speak to you, something to mend your soul, something to help you make it through each and every day because your heart is broken. My heart is broken too. Lets just be real, infertility is a bitch. But even the biggest bitches can be brought down with positivity and perseverance. That’s kind of annoying, right? Positivity, no thanks. Perseverance, yeah okay, I can’t get out of bed most days.

I’ve been there. I’ve missed the parties, baby showers, dinners, date nights with my partner, hell I’ve missed work because some days are just too damn hard. All because our dear friend infertility. It is easy to focus on the negative. It is easy to see all the places that my body has failed me, how I have failed me, how my partner has failed me - that's the easy part. Infertility highlights all that is dark and twisted about ourselves and the world around us. How many times have you been asked “when are you having kids” or better yet “why don’t you have kids yet”? Good thing you are prepared for ignorance because you have your answer lined up and ready so that you don’t have to think, so you don’t have to feel because its just as gut wrenching and heart racing Every. Single. Time. How many times have you told yourself I’m not good enough, my partner deserves more, I’m not meant to have kids.

I say all of this to simply say that I understand. I hear you friend because I am you. I am 1 in 8, I am infertility at its finest and at its downright dirtiest. Infertility beats us up and breaks us down to pick us back up JUST to beat us down month after month, year after year. That can’t be what it's all about, can it? This vicious endless battle or stalemate war, we have to take every single thing we can from infertility or it will take everything from you. Somewhere along the way you won’t be you anymore, you will be infertility. And we all know what a bitch infertility is. It's about what we as people can take from this. Its playing a game of poker, getting dealt a shit hand, putting on your poker face, and working like hell to change your hand, to play the game, to defeat your opponent. Figuring out any and every way to create your miracle.

The Because Infertility Chapters helps open a view that you are not infertility that is not who you are. Lets share the negative, embrace the positive, and find a way to not allow infertility to define you. You are awesome, you are amazing, and infertility is a part of you it is not all of you.

Next Chapter: Chapter 1: Embrace the Bitterness

Because Infertility: Embrace the Bitterness

Because Infertility: Embrace the Bitterness

I Hope You Fail

I Hope You Fail