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Get Off the Treadmill

Get Off the Treadmill

We all know the constant battle with ourselves as we start a new fitness routine especially this time of year working to be beach bod ready. Do you ever find yourself wanting to start your routine or finally heading to the gym and thinking, “yeah, no thanks not today”? To wind up in the Starbucks drive-thru anxiously awaiting your venti Americano to counter your exhaustion. There is a reason you feel this way and you are not alone.

….Fun Fact … Your energy comes from the food you eat! If you constantly find yourself at Starbucks wanting to ride the caffeine high instead of the gym redirect your goal. Fuel your body with the nutrition you need to get the mindset you want. Moving your body is just as important, but you need both mind and body to ebb and flow together for success.

Once we have our minds and bodies working together, we want to know how to not only feel but see results of our hard work. The typical routine when people start at the gym is to run/walk on a treadmill for hours. There are reasons for this:

  1. We as humans are comfortable walking/running.

  2. The equipment is intimidating and lets be real we don’t want to be THAT person going viral because we use it wrong. #gymshaming is real

  3. We tend to put a label on lifting weights and see it as getting big and bulky.

…Fun Fact…Every pound of muscle you gain, you burn 50 more calories. For example, if you gain 5 pounds of muscle you are adding 250 calories being burned AT REST! Strength and resistance training is where you’re going to see inches start to fall off of your body. So, forget the gym haters and get comfortable off the treadmill.

Don’t be afraid to ask your gym employees or personal trainers for help. As a personal trainer, one of my biggest achievements each day is helping someone like you!

You got this! Allow your mind and body to work together through nutrition, so you can take advantage of your fitness routine and not only see but feel results.

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