Beautifully made for you.



Girl Time.

Just hearing those two words gives me zen. As you get older, start a family, have your career and just life in general, it’s hard to schedule Girl Time. But, I’ve realized, for me, it’s so important.  It doesn’t always have to be an in-person interaction. Although those are the best. It can be a phone call on the way home from work, a workout at the gym (multitasking ) or daily motivational text messages to get your day started (these I cannot go without from a special friend or my day is always missing something). 

I’m close to very few women and those women mean the world to me. Each woman brings a different light into my life and into our friendship. I treasure each. I get to see some often because we live close and others not so much because they live in different states. But, no matter the distance or time apart we always pick right back up where we left off.

We all need that time to unwind and just be with those ladies that get us.

Side note: I also agree that my husband needs that guy time too! In our busy day to day lives we get in such a routine and often into a slump. When I feel that coming or when it’s already happened I know it’s time. Time to schedule some GIRL TIME!

Don’t get me wrong! I love my life. My husband and children mean the world to me. But, sometimes Momma needs a break and that’s okay!

I’m so thankful that I have women in my life that I can reach out to for this time. Some of my favorites are shopping trips, dinner dates or a glass of wine on the back porch. The occasional beach trip is pretty amazing too but that’s for another story.

We all love Pinterest right?! I do anyway. I came across this acronym and it basically sums up what you should have in a friend. What you should surround yourself with in the people you bring into your circle.

Fight for you.
Respect you.
Include you.
Encourage you.
Need you.
Delight you. 
Stand by you.

I pray daily for the friendships that I have and I pray that you make GIRL TIME for you and the women friends you have in your life.

Operation: Get Out of Debt

Operation: Get Out of Debt

Become the Person with Abs

Become the Person with Abs