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Let's Soak Up Summer

Let's Soak Up Summer

It’s sweet summertime! The kiddos are out of school and ready for their break. Summertime is an ending and a beginning for our kids. It highlights how fast our children are growing and lets me know my request for more time has been denied. I have realized summers are precious. It’s a time to soak up every moment with your children while they don’t have to get up early, have a set routine, and go to bed early. I understand that some kids may still have to get up early for camps because at some point this summer mine will too. But, I’ve made a decision for our summer of 2019—Soak It All Up!

So, here’s what I’m going to do:

Mom, let’s play baseball in the yard!——Yes, let’s do it! The kitchen clean-up can wait!

Mom, can we go play in the creek for a bit?——Sounds great! It’s been hot today.

Mom, can we have a picnic outside for supper tonight?——Sure! That’ll be fun!

I’m sure the there will be many more requests; water balloon fights, soak the trampoline with soap and water, watch a movie (even when I know I’ll fall asleep), build a fort (despite the fact I just straightened up the living room) - you know the usual.

In the back of my mind there are so many thoughts of what needs to be done in the house; dishes, laundry, vacuuming, rooms to be cleaned…the list goes on and on. Those things can wait. But, what can’t wait is soaking up this time and making memories with our kids. Because these babies, who aren’t babies anymore, are growing up way too fast. Those moments are going to become few and far between as they get older.

So, this summer, I’m going to soak it all in. Spend time, extra time, with my kiddos. Make our memories. Soon enough they will be going back to school to a busy schedule and to another year of growing older.

I hope you and your family do the same this summer!

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